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    Function NewData(Name:String;Number:Word;Data:Pointer;Size:Word):Word;

    Adds a new item  to  the  database.   If  no  names are stored in the
    database, Name can be set to ''.

    An item with name Name and  number  Number  is added to the database.
    This name and number  should  be  unique,  but  this  is up to you to
    ensure.  Data must point  to  the  data  to  be added to the database
    and Size specifies the size of the data to add to the database.

    The data is added to  the  file  behind  the  last  data item and the
    directory is automatically updated for you.

    This is for standard databases, not InEXE databases.

    The user must ensure 10 kb heap is available.


    Never use this on a database  within  a  database.  You can use it on
    a database that contains  a  database  but  not on a database that is
    contained in a database.   To  do  so  you must extract the database,
    update it and then reinclude it into the parent database.

See Also: Function GetData Function ModEXE
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson